
Rift cannon not working
Rift cannon not working

rift cannon not working

Plasma emits truly heroic amounts of energy, both as heat and light, because the free electrons within the mass are frequently caught in the attractive pull of the nuclei, resulting in circular motion around the nuclei, which decelerates the electron, causing it to emit a photon in order to maintain conservation of energy (Bremsstrahlung emission).

rift cannon not working

It is a sea of ions, or charged particles exposed to so much energy, such as nuclear fusion or lightning, that the bind between electrons and nuclei become weakened and the electrons freely flow through the plasma as a current just like through a metal. Plasma is the fourth state of matter, beyond gas. "You humans are weak! See the strength of my arm, the might of my armor! How can you hope to match me?" – Magnus Thrice-fated, moments before his death by plasma fire "Never was anything great achieved without danger." – Niccolo Machiavelli It's like Russian Vostroyan roulette every time you shoot.

Rift cannon not working