Scapular: Gives a Soul Heart to ? when he has none left, rather than when at a half heart as with other characters.Besides if you have no "red hearts" if you beat The Chest (by deals with the devils for instance) and only soul hearts, the game consider that you're ? and the character you choose, so you can unlock ?'s award and the chosen character's award. Completing the level will count as beating it as ?, giving you his Chest achievement, but still unlock the character specific item. If you are a different character that dies while they have the Ankh, they will respawn as ?. If you beat the boss in The Chest as a different character, but die afterwards (let the chest spawn, and then die) with the Ankh item, you'll respawn as ?. Items in the Devil Room will always cost three Soul Hearts while playing as ?. This makes Soul Hearts the only source of replenishing health available to ? standard hearts cannot be picked up and will remain on the ground as if the player is at full health. ? is unique in that his health is made entirely of Soul Hearts and cannot be expanded with Heart Containers. He is unlocked by completing the full game 10 times (defeating Mom's Heart), after which Isaac will find him locked in a chest during the ending cutscene. ?, also known as The Blue Baby, is an unlockable character in The Binding of Isaac. This article is about the playable character.