(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment/cyxz)

It includes information and warnings for all Classic dungeons except Blackrock Depths, Blackrock Spire, Dire Maul, and Scholomance, which are still in progress. While there are fewer things to track in vanilla WoW, DBM still nudges you when things are coming and recommending a reaction. Deadly Boss Modsĭeadly Boss Mods is a must-have addon for the modern game. If you frequently find yourself buying tradeskill materials or other items, it’ll simplify that, too. Auctionator is a long-standing addon that makes the process a little easier by suggesting listing prices and automating the posting of items for other people to buy. Gold is a precious resource in WoW Classic, but managing auction house listings can be a pain. It doesn't boast as many features as the modern version, but this is the mod that will tell you if you really are better off wanding than, say, casting actual damage spells as a priest. It breaks down how much damage or healing you and other party members do by abilities, individual fights, for example. (Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment/Tercioo)ĭetails! Damage Meter Classic is one of the most popular damage meters in the modern game, and this is the Classic port- go here for the Burning Crusade version. It's a mandatory mod if you're already at level 60 and farming best-in-slot gear. This handy mod let's you quickly browse the loot tables for every dungeon and raid to see what bosses drop the gear you need. Modern WoW has a handy journal that logs loot drops from all of its raids and dungeons, but Classic has no such luxury-unless you start using AtlasLoot Classic. Bagnon even tracks items across multiple characters, so you know what your alts have without having to log in. Colored borders tell you an item's quality at a glance, and a search function let's you quickly find what you need. Instead of having multiple bags to manage, Bagnon condenses everything into one big bag and can automatically sort and group items by type. Tired of managing your inventory across multiple bags? Bagnon is an inventory overhaul that makes sifting through your items so much easier. One of my favorite features, though, is the ability to write macros that drive things like hiding action bars when I'm not mousing over them. Using Bartender4, you can change the positioning, size, and transparency of every action bar, which goes a long way in personalizing your own UI.

This addon fully replaces your action bar with one that is completely customizable.